You need a project manager

In most situations, the individual tasked with managing a project does not have the time, proper training, or experience to effectively manage all aspects of the project.

Sometimes clients will attempt to handle the management of the project and the PM function themselves by assigning the responsibly to someone within their organization. In most situations, the individual tasked with managing the project does not have the time, proper training or experience to effectively manage all aspects of the project. The assignment as project manager is typically a responsibility that is added to their already busy schedules and current duties and responsibilities limiting the time they can dedicate to the project.

Some clients wonder if they should hire a project manager or if they can count on the architect and contractor to manage the project. Contractors and architects are very capable at their specialties, but they have specific responsibilities that are limited to a component of the entire project. A Project Managers role allows them to take a strategic view of the process as it may relate to the client or other members of the team. We also negotiates fee structures for all participants that are fair, yet provide maximum value for the client. Architects, contractors and other team members welcome our involvement adding an impartial leader who can reduce conflict. Proctor Management is also welcomed to the process because of the value added having an experienced manager driving timely decision making by the client. Streamlined communication, direction and execution of the vision are best directed by a project manager acting as the client’s liaison and single source for project responsibility and success.

We create a team-driven leadership approach to help make every member of the team successful. Our management and leadership approach is based on a collaborative process that provides the most successful overall results for all parties.

Ensure your interests are represented

As your trusted adviser, we will make recommendations and provide appropriate guidance to ensure the project is scheduled, budgeted, designed and executed in accordance with you overall outlook and plans for future growth and development.

We will ensure your interests are represented throughout the project delivery process. This includes budget and schedule development, design team selection and management, review of design and construction documents, construction bidding and negotiation, contract management, and monitoring of all construction costs and schedules. Adding us to your team provides a trusted advisor and single source of accountability for projects performance, returning 20-30 hours a week in time that would otherwise have been spent managing the process.

When you add Proctor Management to your project team, we are typically cost neutral to cost saving through improved processes, team integration and coordination of all project contributors. We act as your strategic partner and single source of accountability for project performance. As your trusted adviser, we will make recommendations and provide appropriate guidance to ensure the project is scheduled, budgeted, designed and executed in accordance with you overall outlook and plans for future growth and development. We have built our reputation leading projects and controlling schedules and budgets to bring projects in on time and within predetermined budgets.

Clarity from the beginning

The best time to engage a project manager is early in the process. From the start, we will help develop a clear vision and strategy for the execution of the project.

The best option is to engage our team as early as possible in the process. We are involved in the entire scope from the very conception of the project. By bringing us on early in the process, we will help develop a clear project vision and strategy for the execution of the project. We will schedule and budget the entire scope of the project and determine decision making priorities based on client-focused objectives. Throughout the project from the initial search to occupancy, there are required decisions and important activities that allow us to provide value to the overall process. The best time to make value-added improvements to a project is before it begins. Our team will help define the goals and parameters for the project, initiate a front-end process including team brainstorming sessions with the team members and stakeholders.

Collaborative, team-driven approach

Our favorable reputation extends to architects, contractors, consultants, brokers, legal counsel, and all other members of the project team.

To ensure maximum benefits to the client, a project manager must be able to facilitate a collaborative team process among not just contractors and architects, but all other ancillary professionals involved in the process such as security consultants, technology and furniture planners and other stakeholders ranging from internal company boards to public interest groups and regulatory bodies.

Our favorable reputation extends to architects, contractors, consultants, brokers, legal counsel and all other members of the project team. While such professionals are not expected to unconditionally agree with all of ultimate decisions, they respect our fairness and willingness to consider all sides of the issues and dedication to safety and quality. We do not feel that the best results are derived from lowering project costs by unfairly treating, contractors, suppliers, designers and consultants.


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